Friday, April 30, 2010

Fighting Hunger

I am so excited! One of Common Threads most popular bags is the "Dottie Fighting Hunger" bag. I was fortunate to have ten (10) of these original feedsacks dating from the 1940's, but my supply is running low. Today, I located another thirty (that's right, 30) original feedsacks! That means I can make another 30 bags! I love selling these bags, and I've had wonderful comments from people who have bought them. And, by the way, as part of Common Thread’s commitment to fight hunger, 10% of the proceeds of the Dottie “Fight Hunger” bags will be donated to “Feeding America”.

This wonderful bag features an original cotton feedsack, which once held 50 lbs of flour. The flour was part of the United States Mission to distribute food to needy countries around the world. This Mission began following WW I, when the American Relief Administration distributed more than 4 million tons of food. The focal point of the bag depicts two clasped hands surrounded by blue and white stars and red stripes. The words “Donated by the People of the United States of America” are boldly written on the bottom of the bag. The translations of these words in many different languages are printed on sections of the feedsack and make up the two side gussets of the bag. The words “USE NO HOOKS” are featured on the bottom gusset. The feedsack is framed with a charming piece of vintage blue floral feedsack. The back of the bag is a remnant of a rescued quilt top displaying a beautiful assortment of printed feedsacks from the depression era.

The numbers are startling. More than 800 million people go to bed hungry each night, and nearly 50 million people currently face acute hunger as a result of war, civil strife or natural disaster. Additionally, the United Nations estimates that malnutrition is a significant factor in the deaths of 11,000 children each day.

Our sale is happening now. You can get this bag for $60.00 (using coupon code) . Go the website to view more pictures and place an order. Enjoy!

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